The SAMCo Executive Committee is a 26 voting member body with 10 slots reserved for public sector representatives, 9 slots for private sector representatives, and 7 officer positions. For the private sector members, a Nominations Committee forwards a slate of names to the Board of Directors for nomination to the Executive Committee. Public members of the Executive Committee are named by the presiding officer of the appointing local government body, i.e. the City Council, Commissioners Court, MPO Policy Board, Alamo RMA, and VIA. The Board of Directors elects the SAMCo officers. Members serve two-year terms. Link here for an organizational chart of Executive Committee members and terms of office.
The Board of Directors include more than 80 firms. Their linked logos are on the Members and Partners page of this website.
City of San Antonio
City of San Antonio, District 6
City of San Antonio, District 7
Community Representative, City of San Antonio
Community Engagement, Cemex
Vice President, Bain Medina Bain
Board Chair Appointee
Branch Manager, The Rios Group, Inc.
Board Chair Appointee
President & CEO, AG3
Chief Strategy Officer, Brooks
Legal Counsel & Market Sector Leader, RRP Consulting Engineers
Director Mobility, WGI
President & CEO, Greater New Braunfels Chamber of Commerce
Public Works Director and County Engineer, Bexar County
President & CEO, San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
President & CEO, South Texas Business Partnership
The San Antonio Mobility Coalition is a non-profit corporation organized in 2001 to advocate for highway, street, transit, freight, and aviation funding for the greater San Antonio region.
14439 NW Military Hwy
Suite 108 #460
San Antonio, Texas 78231
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