SAMCo strives to achieve legislative outcomes which will present the San Antonio region with enhanced transportation funding options. Results from previous legislative sessions are provided below.
2023 Session
Legislation to extend Proposition 1 funding from oil and gas severance taxes from 2034 to 2042.
Legislation to extend Proposition 7 funding from sales taxes & vehicles sales taxes from 2042 and 2039 respectively.
Authorization to impose a $200/year additional registration fee for all-electric vehicles to compensate for loss of gas and diesel tax revenue.
Passage of a 2024-2025 biennial budget for TxDOT with a 22 percent increase in funding over the previous biennium.
Expanded authority for TxDOT on military installations.
2021 Session
Successfully advocated for reopening of the Texas Mobility Fund – $3 billion in potential projects statewide.
Successfully advocated for HJR/Proposition 2 Constitutional Amendment for counties to bond Transportation Reinvestment Zones. (TRZs)
Successfully advocated for full funding of Propositions 1 & 7; no diversions from State Highway Fund.
2019 Session
Successfully advocated for legislation extending sunset provision for Proposition 1 by ten years.
Successfully advocated for legislation clarifying the Proposition 1 “sufficient balance” requirement.
Supported TxDOT biennial budget with $5 billion in new funding.
Supported TxDOT biennial budget with air quality funding for seven counties surrounding Bexar County.
The San Antonio Mobility Coalition is a non-profit corporation organized in 2001 to advocate for highway, street, transit, freight, and aviation funding for the greater San Antonio region.
14439 NW Military Hwy
Suite 108 #460
San Antonio, Texas 78231
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